Monroe Misfit Makeup | Beauty Blog: Review + Look: Classified Cosmetics Spirit Spray Face & Body Makeup

October 18, 2012

Review + Look: Classified Cosmetics Spirit Spray Face & Body Makeup

With Halloween on the horizon, Classified Cosmetics have released Spirit Spray Face & Body Makeup. An oil-free, hypo-allergenic, aresoal spray on color available in five brilliant shades of black, white, red, blue, and green that is easily removed with oil-based cleanser. Halloween makeup can be a daunting time consuming process, especially when you have to paint the body. Spirit Spray aims to take out the time and guess work with its quick and easy spray can method. To apply you spritz an even mist over the area you want to cover or apply with a makeup sponge or brush for precision detail.
I was looking forward to testing out the white as it tends to be the most useful shade. When applied lightly it gives a subtle skin lightening effect, while a heavier application provides a full on white out like in the Sugar Skull promo ad.
Classified are the folks behind Aero Minerale Shimmering Mist, the product worn in Twilight Breaking Dawn, so I chose a simple vampire as my "product test look". I did this makeup using just my fingers and a q-tip. Starting with a sheer mist of white on to the face, the black to contour & around the eyes, and red dabbed on the lips. If you only have 5 minutes to do makeup on halloween this couldn't get any easier :) you don't even need brushes!
What I liked best about the spray's is how light they are on the skin, you don't feel like you're wearing heavy theater makeup. The versatility in application is also a plus. When sprayed on directly you get concentrated full coverage, but they can also be sheered out or layered with a brush/sponge or fingers. There were no major smudges or cracks peeking through which can often happen with cream based products and it's easy to blend unlike airbrush makeup. The makeup dries to a semi-matte finish, and is resistant to water and wear allowing you to avoid the halloween party makeup meltdown. The only weaknesses I found were that the nozzle tends to splatter too much product at times and the red left a slight stain after removed, as red's usually do, and I wish it came in more colors!

Spirit Spray would be perfect for creating my D*face Decayed Grafitti Skull Costume look or Monroe Misfit Monster as well as for skulls, vampires, ghosts, frankenstein, corpse bride, devils, etc. and for body work. These will be a staple in my sfx kit this year and I hope it will be beneficial in your Halloween looks too! If the creepy and crazy's not your thing, I think they'd be awesome for school spirit day's or football season too.

Spirit Spray Face & Body Makeup ($9.99) is available at and also check them out on facebook.

*sample provided for review consideration