Monroe Misfit Makeup | Beauty Blog: 5 Tips for Clear Acne Free Skin

May 19, 2017

5 Tips for Clear Acne Free Skin

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #BeforeDifferinJourney #CollectiveBias

I have always associated the desire for clear skin with teens, but as I get older I find it even more important to me now. We all wish our skin was perfect every day; for most of us though, it takes more than wishful thinking. With the help of a daily skincare regimen and the inclusion of Differin® Gel, I am now on my way to achieving my best skin ever. Here are 5 tips to getting the clear, smooth skin that you have always wanted!

Keep Reading for 5 Tips for Clear Acne Free Skin!

Hydration is one of the easiest ways to clear your skin. It's as easy as drinking water! Water helps clear out the toxins that cause inflammation and blemishes. I drink 8 or more glasses of pure filtered water a day. My skin looks noticeably better when I am treating my body to the hydration it needs. For variety, I add a slice of cucumber to a skin-soothing tea like chamomile or green tea.

Filling up a 64 oz pitcher in the a.m. helps me keep track of my daily 8 glasses. I also keep bottles on my desk and in my car so I can sip away all day long.

Gently Cleanse
Makeup, dirt, and oil sitting on your face all day can really take a toll on the complexion. Most importantly, always remove your makeup; never go to sleep with it on! Cetaphil® Gentle Skin Cleanser is a mild, non-irritating formulation that soothes skin as it cleanses. Because this cleanser is so mild, it won't strip the skin. I cleanse with this gentle cleanser both morning and night. I like to take the extra step of using a skin brush or konjac sponge when i cleanse to give my pores a deep clean.

Moisturize with SPF
Acne products can make your skin more sun sensitive. Cetaphil® Daily Facial Moisturizer SPF 15 is a gentle moisturizer suitable for all skin types. Used daily, it improves your skin's ability to retain vital moisture. This light, silky-smooth facial moisturizer leaves skin feeling soft and hydrated. It also protects against damaging UVA and UVB rays that can cause premature lines and wrinkles. Moisturizing is essential to regulating the moisture balance of your skin. Even with oily skin, your skin needs moisture, too.

Mask It
Twice a week, I treat myself to a skin mask. I select ones that are purifying and soothing. Mud masks draw out impurities from your pores which can contribute to blemishes. Sheet masks clarify, brighten, and help fade any lingering red marks. It's also fun to look crazy in front of your significant other!

Differin® Gel
One problem I thought was behind me after the teen years? Acne! No one ever told us we would be battling blemishes after 30. It makes a lot of sense though, with job stresses, family, and more responsibility than ever, it is no wonder our skin is freaking out. I never struggled with acne as a teen or young adult, so this was all new territory for me.

My search for a treatment for my acne led me to try out Differin® Gel. I struggle with mild acne that is mainly hormonal related, but it is still a monthly bummer. When you don't feel good about your skin, it affects your whole mood. Instead of enjoying putting on makeup, it just becomes a daily chore to cover up your skin. Not feeling comfortable in your skin is no fun!

Enter NEW Differin® Gel! It clears breakouts where they start (deep in the pores), prevents breakouts before they begin, and as a result, restores skin’s texture and tone. Differin® Gel contains the only multi-benefit dermatologist recommended retinoid, Adapalene, now available without a Prescription to clear and prevent acne. Please use caution when using Differin® Gel with more than one acne treatment or glycolic acid product because this could lead to irritation.

Having never been to a dermatologist I relied mostly on over the counter spot treatments in the past. Salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide are two of the most notable ones. New Differin® Gel is the first and only prescription strength retinoid now available over the counter for clearing and preventing acne. It's the newest advancement and ingredient in the OTC acne category in over 30 years!

Instead of just spot treating pimples, Differin® Gel helps to clear the skin while also restoring texture and tone. Retinoids are great for unclogging pores. You know that bumpy texture that looks unsightly under makeup? It treats that, too. That is what I hope to see an improvement in the most. As a beauty blogger, I try out numerous skin care and makeup products each month and my skin does not always react well. Those little bumps seem to be my skin's way of telling me when a new foundation doesn't agree with it.

Differin® Gel is not used in the same way as a spot treatment. In order to get the best results, you should apply a thin layer all over the face, once a day, every day. My evening skincare regimen consists of cleansing, moisturizing, and applying a pea size amount of Differin® Gel to my entire face. It's important to continue using Differin® Gel as part of your skincare routine, even after your skin looks clear, to help prevent future breakouts.

Differin® Gel has a long-standing heritage as a proven acne treatment but is now NEW to the OTC acne aisle. I picked up mine in the Beauty and Skincare aisle at my local Target store.

Find more Differin® inspiration on the social hub here.

I am excited to see the changes in my skin! I will be using Differin® Gel daily over the next 8 weeks. In a second post I will update you with  how I am progressing on my journey to acne free skin.

What are your tips for keeping your skin clear and blemish free? Let me know!

This product is dermatologist developed and tested. Please call 1-866-735-4137 for any questions you may have concerning the product. However, should you experience any problems while using the product, please discontinue use and consult your healthcare provider.