Monroe Misfit Makeup | Beauty Blog: What's on my Christmas List :)

December 23, 2012

What's on my Christmas List :)

I don't know about you guys but I always like to see what other people have on their XMAS Lists. If only for the purpose of being completely nosy :) Mine actually has a few beauty items on it this year which is unusual. I'm not much of a makeup person! I love makeup artistry, but I don't have a lot of interest in the consumerism side of it. Then there's a couple of dream items that I think Santa would need to moonlight as a sugar daddy in order for me to get, but hey a girl can make a list right :)
And if for some reason you think I've been nice and would like to get me a present an Amazon Gift Card by E-mail
to would be delightful.
I just might return the Xmas cheer : )
Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday's!